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Rock Your Resolution 2019

2019 is upon us!!  I want to invite you to ROCK YOUR RESOLUTION this year with me!  I want you to commit to sticking with me for a year and see how much better your life is.  Maybe that sounds a little scary right out of the gate…but just commit to a month, 6 weeks, then we’ll reevaluate at that time and you can decide on another and we’ll keep taking it day by day by day.

I think the biggest thing I learned through losing our son was to take it one day at a time.  Put one foot in front of the other.  We’re not promised tomorrow, but we have TODAY!  So let’s make the most of it.  We’ve only got this one life and the healthier we are, the more able we are to live happier, more fulfilling lives and do the things we want to do, accomplish what we want to, and check off those bucket list items.

I believe we were all meant for more but we end up getting sucked into the vortex of ho-hummery and letting life lead and guide us instead of us taking the wheel and living life to its fullest.  I know I did this for the first 30+ years of my life and dang did I waste a lot of years!  …but no dwelling on that, I’ve forgiven myself and let it go as you should too. Onwards and upwards now and living my best life.  I hope the same for you!  <3

Ok, so what you’ll get by joining our virtual community….

  • fitness programs, many to choose from with our online fitness library.  I will help you decide as your coach and mentor.  Having a plan to follow that has been tried and tested time and time again before it ever makes it to our platform guarantees you RESULTS!  Plus, not having to think about what you’re doing each day is an added bonus.  We’ve got so much else on our plates to think about, this makes it easier on you to just plug in and play, follow the plan.  It’s given me amazing results too!  Always challenging, never boring at that.  ;-)
  • nutrition support and help.  One of the biggest pieces of the puzzle.  It’s all about getting in the right nutrients so you’re not missing anything.  The more we give our body what we need, the better we feel =)
  • support and accountability with our online community.  One of the biggest pieces of the puzzle as well as far as sticking with it.  Alone we are so much more likely to fall off and quit, but together we are stronger.  There is so much power in numbers and we need that connection and community.
  • personal growth and development – mindset is a huge piece of the puzzle as well so that’s what we work on, loving ourselves inside an out, practicing grace and compassion, forgiveness and putting our best foot forward.

The crazy thing about health and fitness, our happiness, our wellbeing… those are things that no one can do for us.  We have complete control of our choices.

So when I say, ‘you should do this with me!’ …I don’t just mean you should workout with me, although you can totally do just that, but I also mean come rise up with me, come grow with me, come be your best self with me, come pay it forward with me, come pay off debt with me, come give to the world with me, come level up, come work, come vibe with me <3 <3 <3

2018 has been such a pivotal year in so many ways, 2019 is gonna blow it all out of the water!  I’d love to have you join me.  Maybe you just want to get healthy, maybe you could use an extra $100 to pay for the kids activities, maybe you need $500/mo, or more, maybe you need a rad group of likeminded, hardworking individuals to rally with and rise up with … if any of those, or all of those are you

Just say YES babe.

You just gotta decide you want it… I’ve already made the decision, come with <3 <3

Fill out the form here or email with ‘rock your resolution’ as the subject.