My thoughts on Supplements and Network Marketing

Hey there & happy Wednesday!  I wanted to talk about supplements today.  It’s come to my attention over the years as I’ve been on this journey, quite a few things really…so I wanted to talk about it for a bit.  For one, I’ve heard people say when purchasing with my company that they’re just making said company richer and they’d rather buy at the local grocer or off other sites, etc.  Ok, so here’s my beef with that.  For one, you’re not making the company richer.  With it being a direct sales/network marketing company, the money for the product goes back into research and development, testing of new products and all that goes with that before they come to market, and you’re helping out a local mom or pop like me.  You’re helping me put food on my table, you’re helping me pay help my family.

Let’s think about the things that line the shelf and who you’re supporting if you buy from them.  You’re supporting the local store,  you’re supporting the warehousing and distribution centers and all the ones along the way.  There’s a lot of middle men when it comes to getting a product to market.  What direct sales does is it cuts out the middle men and gives people like you and me an opportunity for a better future for our family, or a little extra income, paying for our own products or just getting a discount…whatever capacity you want to take it.

Normal products go through a chain of supply starting from the actual maker of the product, to the warehousing and distribution channels, to the actual stores and put on shelves.  Out of everyone that comes in contact with that product, very few make a really good living from it.  Most are making their set salary with no way of increasing their income unless they work more hours.  It’s a set dollar per hour.   That’s great and many do really well…but there are also many people struggling to make it paycheck to paycheck and rarely any increase in pay for years.

What network marketing does by cutting out all those middle men is gives normal people a chance, dependent on their hard work and skill, to make a really good living.  And no it doesn’t matter when or where you started with the company it’s all on your work ethic, your skills.

So my main point is to tell you when you’re buying your products, think if there is an option with someone you know who is in network marketing or hey, even consider doing it yourself.  I’ll talk more on what to look for when it comes to picking an mlm to work with next time.  At least what I’ve learned over the years and in my experience.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many companies out there that I would not dare support or use their products & that goes both ways, with direct sales products and through normal retail chains.  You’ve really got to know what you’re consuming and if it’s good for you and if it will really benefit you.  There are tons of products out there that work by manipulating your system for a desired results.  Things of that nature typically don’t last.  You may experience some success in the beginning, but it will eventually fail and you’ll be back where you were in the first place.  That is, unless you learn to do it the right way.  More on that later as well.  ;-)

As always, if you need help or want to join me.  I’m here for you and I’d love to hear from you! <3   Send me an email to